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BuildPanel Technology Inc.
Surrey BC Canada
Design your structure in our builder program and the cost will be generated based on the size of the structure and the number of accessories you choose to include. A basic BuildPanel structure can cost less than $7,000.
Panels are waterproofed and ready to assemble. Just use the supplied hardware with the supplied battery-powered tool (battery included) to bolt together your structure.
Most locations do not require permits for temporary structures. Please check with your governing authority regarding the size of your structure and chosen foundation type.
BuildPanel is fully customizable, modular, and ready to add onto or integrate with the newest technologies.
BuildPanel offers interior packages, or design and install your own after erecting your waterproof BuildPanel structure.
A basic structure can be assembled by two people with no construction experience in a few hours.
Depending on your location, BuildPanel will be delivered in 4-8 weeks.
Absolutely! If you can build a Lego castle or assemble an Ikea unit, you can put together a BuildPanel structure.
Our single-floor units can start as small as a 4’x8’ footprint. We also offer 10’, 12’, 14’, and 16’ widths that can extend in length as far as you can dream.
Yes! BuildPanel is a modular system that can easily be added to or restructured based on your evolving needs.
Depending on the quantity of your order, most planetary locations can be serviced.
Any piece of land that fits your chosen building size. Simply flatten or level the footprint with available blocks. Floating structures are currently in development!
As with any structure, BuildPanel structures are ready to accept water, electricity and gas services. Solar and water-collection accessories are available and easy to install.
Interior wall packages are available with insulation. Also feel free to finish your structure with any traditional insulation methods.
BuildPanel was founded on environmental principles. We use waste materials to make homes for people! By minimizing construction waste and using inert bio products to create healthy spaces, BuildPanel is at one with Mother Earth.
A permanent foundation is not required. If you can pitch a tent there, you can set up a BuildPanel structure. Earth, sand, gravel and concrete are all acceptable substrates.
Please contact us if you are looking to develop a community or storage facility using BuildPanel and we will offer specific pricing.